Friday 3 January 2014

The twelth beer of Christmas

Batemans Vintage Ale 2012

So, finally made it to number twelve, and it's a big one. A 7.5% from Batemans, makers of Rosey Nosey, which I'm sure has been in the twelve beers line-up before. But anyway, Christmas is (just about) over and this was one of last beers in the house. So, a commemorative strong ale from a regional brewery, sounds like something similar to a Fullers Vintage perhaps?

It's a big rich boozy experience that's for sure. Plums, figs and raisins with some vanilla sweetness and a Brandy-like alcoholic warmth. But there's enough dryness to make it not too heavy going. Overall quite different yet a similar sort of breed to a Fullers Vintage. A noticeable difference being the obvious woody-oaky dryness which to me is slightly off putting. Yet everything around that is rather good. Certainly worth a try. Happy New Year everyone. 

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