Yep, that's right it's the end of year post. And although in this day and age I haven't been arsed to go along with the likes of 'Open It's' or 'Golden Pint awards' I've stuck with the old end of year post.
It's been one hell of a year for Rob's Beer Quest. You might not think it, given the mediocre number of blog posts I've managed to put out this year but besides that it has been monumental and arguably one of the best years of my life. To open things up in spring X2 (squared) won battle of beers at Newcastle beer fest, and was not expected. Following this we had Killswitch 51 and IPA with SIBA awards prior to what was obviously the highlight of the year.
Huddling with the masses around the stage at London Olympia as Roger Protz role-called the winners. Best bitters,
"with the gold, those stalwarts from the North East Mordue Brewery Workie Ticket". A monumental day, and if that didn't top things off we even got two Golden Pint award mentions
here and
here nearer the end of the year.
The Mayoress pronouncing me and Matt battle of the beers champions |
But hell, 2013 wasn't just about awards. It was the year I realised I won't be a twenty something year old for much longer (scary). My baby girl, Susie, took her first steps (game changing, like in Jurassic Park when the Velociraptors learned how to open doors). Plans were made, lessons were learned, cool people were met. There was no shortage of brewing action and our new apprentice Josh played an integral role during September's 'Operation Black Beaver Storm', involving colossus order of Oatmeal Stout for the Spoons Octoberfest.
Although in many ways it was much like any other year, but for me it was a year to remember.
Pandamonium hops |
The Bairn |
Cherries defrost for another batch of Al Cherry Pet |
Keg beers from around the region ready to face SIBA judgement |
Champion best bitter |
The sun goes down over Alnwick |