Mild ale, among beer enthusiasts it has its fans. But seemingly for every fan there seems to be twice as many beer drinkers who don't care much for this declining style. To tell the truth some milds can be a bit bland and watery, or to put it more nicely take the subtlety factor too far. So many seem to have the view that its endangered status as a beer style is nothing short of the product of inevitability. The truth is I like mild, in fact I love a good mild. But finding great mild isn't straight forward either as most seem to be re-labelled as something nondescript (a low abv and the word 'dark' can be a giveaway). It's usually around this time of year I have a batch of mild home brewed but recently I haven't had the time.

A common problem I have found with mild brewing is that although the low abv lets its fresh flavours come into form quickly, this also reduces its shelf life. So unless I fit in some big sessions and give the stuff away to as many mates as possible I end up wasting beer. For this reason I plan to brew my annual mild late may or early June in time for my birthday beer-BBQ event. Ok for a BBQ I would probably be better off brewing something like a porter or smoked bock, but this is a relaxed affair and the mild is intended as a subtle appetiser. Later I'm planning on getting some big gun heavyweight beers out for another cheeseboard.
Mild was brewed for a quick turnover and rapid consumption by drinkers who were more interested in quantity than quality. This is not to say some milds aren't excellent beers, but the concept of mild goes against the contemporary drinking ethos of "less but better". By definition it is a beer for sessioning, not savouring.
Very true Cumudgeon. Mild serves its own purpose.
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