Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The last blog post of 2024.

It's that time of year again, and have to say 2024 has been a fantastic year. Highlighted mainly by the Rooster's Brewery takeover, 2024 has brought with it new horizons; Settling into a new workplace. The kids getting older. It has been my year for turning 40 and trying my hand at running an allotment. 

I should also thank my girlfriend Susan for being the biggest influence in getting me back into blogging as well as reviewing beers in the logbook again. So for this final blog post of 2024 I have decided to put together a collection of news and highlights from throughout the year that didn't manage to get on the blog.  

Suds With Buds.

Back from the summer. This is held annually at Roosters and this year was the Daleside teams first time participating in it. 

The basic deal for Suds with Buds was to convert the entire brewery premises including taproom, sample room and garden into a huge beer festival. Independent brewery stands were scattered throughout the premises, accompanied by food vendors, live music and a DJ set on the 30 barrel kit. An awesome experience both to work at and try many of the beers available afterwards. 

SIBA North awards.   

This month Daleside brewery has won three gold awards at SIBA north for Morocco ale, Monkey Wrench and Blonde in bottle. It is great to hear we are still getting recognition. Despite how different things are with Daleside being a company within a company (and it's more than just the staff that have had to get used to that) it's sometimes lovely to see how things have came together.

The posh new office.

Look out for the 'barrel aged' version of Morocco ale coming out next year.

Daleside Winter Jewel.

I also recently got my chance at developing a beer on Rooster's 30 barrel kit, creating (a re-make of) the 4% Daleside seasonal Winter Jewel.

Malts for Winter Jewel; dark and spicy 

Not only loved inventing and brewing this but the brew day itself went exceptionally smoothly. Am still on the lookout for finding it on trade.    

Craig's Retirement.

One the most dramatic changes to hit Daleside this year has been the retirement of long standing brewer/head brewer Craig Witty.  

So famous they put his picture on a bus.

Son to company founder Bill Witty, who passed away in 2007. Craig was the first person on many peoples brewing journey, having a part in training many professionals across the industry today. He will be remembered for his positive energy and drive to always do the most professional job possible. 

After the Roosters takeover Craig added diversity to the workplace by being the token old person in production. But since way back Craig's gradual phasing towards retirement has been arduous and difficult the same way it has for many of the ageing Daleside staff. Take for example this conversation between Craig and head of sales Vince back in mid 2014 following a Spoons meet the brewer. Old age comes to us all, and I myself remember at the old brewery site checking up every couple of hours just in case another staff member hadn't decided to 'snuff it'. 

Golden Pint Awards 2024.

Traditionally this would be the time of year for beer bloggers to publish their very own Golden Pint awards. In short this is a pretty extensive list of the favourite beers tried that year split into numerous categories; favourite new brewery, cask beer, keg beer, small pack etc. But for me I'm cutting straight to chase by narrowing it down to my favourite beer experiences of the year (in general).

Ultimately 2024 has been the year of the IPA. Obviously moving to Rooster's has meant being surrounded by pale hoppy beers. Baby Faced Assassin is a bench mark classic.

Baby Faced Assassin, excellent with Yorkshire blue cheese and pickles.

Although Baby Faced has become my new 'go to' IPA, for my personal favourite IPA tried in 2024 it would probably be between; 

Firebick Brewery Pacific, it's 6%, Raw and uncompromising like a West Coast IPA should be. 

Roosters Blame it on the Tetons Mountain IPA is a hybrid style. With all the juicy tropical hop character of an east coast IPA aligned with the structure and bitterness of a West coast IPA. A beautiful beer on both cask and keg. Very tropical. 

The Thornbridge-Stone collab; West Side Story is also worth a mention. 

Highest ranked beer of the year (based on logbook scoring).

Just on the basis of beer logbook highest score alone, the best beer tried this year was Paulana Salvator. The classic 7.9% German doppelbock tried at The Office Ale house.  

For the record all Firebrick beers have scored highly, including this one. 


For me one of the biggest things I find myself attracted to in beer especially in recent years is originality. This isn't referring to innovative hybrid beer styles or beers brewed with obscure alternative fermentables. But more beers that wonder outside of the status quo of 'what the market expects'.       

Most notable/inspirational original beers of 2024;

Lost Cause Don't Call it a Comeback is a 4.5% Belgian inspired Farmhouse pale ale.  Tried at Rooster's Suds with Buds in the summer,  it features lots of funky yeasty, green pepper, woody orange and spice. 

Roosters Throwback 5.3%. Stock ale. A medley of almond soaked oak fruit and malt over caramelised malt. Complex yet sessionable and exceptional on cask.   

Amity Duration In-Visible. 5.4%. Silky smooth Collab Dunkelweazen brewed to celebrate international women's day. Banana, chocolate and spice dominate. With lingering clove, berries, bubblegum and caramel.   

Some other great eamples worthy of mention include Firebrick Cushy Butterfield and the more recent Rooster's Yorkshires Best.

So that was my basic rundown of the highlights of the year. Happy new year everyone.